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NURS11163-Impact of cultural factors on mental illness recovery discusses how culture impacts mental health. The basic definition of culture is the uniqueness of language, clothing, and diversity of a community’s food. However, culture extends beyond these elements. It entails people’s beliefs, values, norms, plus the basics. Culture is a significant, influential factor in an individual’s behaviors, ideas, and decision making processes. NURS11163-Impact of cultural factors on mental illness recovery include the following. Cultural stigma creates a certain perception of weakness in people suffering from mental health, thus complicating the recovery process. Secondly, cultural values influence understanding and talking about mental condition symptoms. Additionally, the level of community support influences the rate at which an individual recovers. This paper also analyses the importance of maintaining nurses’ self-care while administering mental healthcare.

Read more on NURS11163-Impact of cultural factors on mental illness recovery at


This model focuses on an individual-centered approach to providing mental health care. Moreover, it is the standard model of mental health care. The main principles of the mental illness recovery model are the following. An individual can recover from a mental condition, and the most efficient recovery is patient-oriented. The model defines recovery as a “process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their potentials. The recovery dimensions are improved health, a conducive home, the discovery of purpose, and community support. Understanding NURS11163-Impact of cultural factors on mental health is essential for the recovery from mental disorders.

Read more on understanding the mental illness recovery model at


Nurses often put the needs of the patients before their own. This is what is required of them, but they also need to take their health. This is because the deterioration of their health will reduce the number of caregivers in hospitals, thus making the healthcare process inefficient. Improving nurses’ self-care is through physical activity, proper nutrition, adequate rest, and improving quality of life. The following include the importance of maintaining nurses’ self-care. One is the promotion of health and safety of nurses while administering patients’ wellbeing. Secondly, the preservation of integrity and character of the nurses while implementing the mental illness recovery model. Thirdly, it encourages the maintenance of competent behavior among nurses. Also, it enhances the continual personal and professional growth of nursing career.

Read more on the importance of maintaining nurses’ self-care at

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