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Many Australians are supporting Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) to deliver holistic, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate health care to communities. The basis for their support is the principle of self-determination that also grants local people the power to improve the aboriginal culture and healthcare. All ACCHS aims at providing primary healthcare services, supporting communities, running special needs programs, and advocacy for issues pertaining to the communities. The provision of primary healthcare services is in accordance with the World Health Organization in the 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata. Lastly, attendees of this conference defined primary healthcare as essential care based on acceptable methods that are universally accessible.
NUM2308 supporting Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS)


Indigenous primary healthcare services are more inferior in quality, and health results are usually non-satisfactory. These services evolved from the inability of mainstream health services to adequately meet the needs of Indigenous communities. Also, it led to the rise of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS). With time, these health services will improve the health outcomes of indigenous communities. This is because they provide comprehensive programs that incorporate treatment and management. They also promote prevention methods and address various social determinants of health. Community support and social principles enhance the chances of the incredible success of the aboriginal culture and healthcare.  Therefore, they strive to ensure that each individual in the community has access to quality healthcare.
characteristics of indigenous primary healthcare service delivery


Principles held in the aboriginal culture and healthcare delivery systems concern the social, emotional, and cultural wellbeing of the entire community. Thus, Aboriginal people see this in terms of whole-life-view. This holistic understanding of health and wellbeing involves the whole community throughout the entire life-course. Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) also focus on social justice issues, equity, and rights, traditional knowledge, traditional healing, and connection to the country. This way, they can address the mental, physical, cultural, and spiritual health outcomes of the communities in delivering primary healthcare services. Traditional medicine practice within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in Australia also encompasses a holistic world view.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander concept of health

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