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The nature of technology and technological influence on society is essential in analyzing the rise of technological advancements; technology is the application of scientific researches on actual work. Its motivation is majorly creativity that results in discovering new techniques of performing tasks. Invention results from solving existing problems and catering for various needs. Moreover, it entails combining existing pieces and addressing the challenges and issues arising along the way. Additionally, the combination results in the evolution of technology. Most technologies result from putting together existing modules of technologies. For example, developing a phone combines various existing technologies such as GPS navigation devices and networking technology. There is a close relationship between science and technology.
nature of technology and technological influence on society


The nature of technology is dynamic; hence it keeps changing as time goes by. New problems motivate the creation of new technologies in addressing the problems. Also, technology greatly eases the efficiency and the speed of carrying out tasks. The technological influences on society are several and include the following. Firstly, is the effect on the learning process of individuals in society. It improves how people are learning through enhancing collaboration and interaction. Moreover, facilitating easy access to educational materials through the internet. Furthermore, the relationship between science and technology challenges people’s thinking. Secondly, technology majorly influences the communication process. It makes the world a global village where communication is possible regardless of the geographical location.
 technological influence on society in the current world


Bringing out of the relationship between science and technology is through various factors, such as their definitions. Science is the study of the physical world’s behavioral structure through a systematic data collection method, scientific methods. On the other hand, technology is the application of scientific studies. As a result, there are exist technological influences on society. They are mostly positive, although negative implications also reveal themselves. The negative implications include the rise of identity theft, addiction, and health effects. During the agricultural revolution, the facilitation of shifting from roaming hunters and gatherers to settlers results from agriculture’s scientific know-how. Hence, the dynamic nature of technology continuously improves the agricultural sector, thus increasing productivity.
 understanding the relationship between science and technology

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