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National healthcare stressors and burnout among nurses is a concern in many healthcare facilities. Occupational stress is a standing concern for the healthcare industry. Moreover, healthcare workers have a higher rate of substance abuse and suicide. This rate however results from depression and anxiety from job stress. In addition, job stress causes the desire to leave work, absenteeism, diagnosis and treatment errors, reduced patient satisfaction, and burnout. Burnout among nurses mainly affects nurses who lack sufficient emotional energy to cope with different types of patients. In addition, they lack the capability to satisfy patients’ needs in this situation.
 national healthcare stressors and burnout among nurses


Burnout among nurses is one of the main causes of reduced patient satisfaction. Some nurses however fail to know that they have this burnout. Therefore, symptoms of this burnout include the following. Constant fatigue where they constantly feel tired hence unable to work effectively. Also, they feel overworked and underappreciated therefore they feel frustrated and resentful on their jobs. Nurses might also experience compassion fatigue whereby they either feel detached from their patients or feel cynical about their jobs. Nevertheless, they lack enthusiasm due to burnout and other national healthcare stressors hence affect other areas of their lives.
 the symptoms of burnout among nurses


There are 3 main types of national healthcare stressors. These are acute stressors, episodic stressors, and chronic stressors. First, acute stressors involve demands and pressure from recent pasts and anticipated demands. It also involves pressure in the near future. This, therefore, gives healthcare workers a thrilling and exciting feature besides feeling exhausted. This often results in burnout among nurses. Second, episodic acute stressors involve chaos and crisis. This makes the workers always late and in a rush. This makes them have too much to handle. In addition, they are unable to organize themselves to meet the hospital demands and therefore results in reduced patient satisfaction. Lastly, chronic sensors result from unrelenting demands and pressure.
 types of national healthcare stressors

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