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The research essay will discuss the multistore model of memory and theories of working memory. The multistore model of memory got proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) and is a structural model. Notably, they suggested that memory consisted of three stores: a sensory register, short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM). Notably, information passes from store to store linearly. There are several working memory theory concepts that are essential. Information gets detected by the sense organs and enters the sensory memory. Thus, If attended to, this information enters the short-term memory. Information from the short-term memory is transferred to the long-term memory only if that information gets rehearsed. Therefore, the research provided will help in understanding the multistore model of memory and theories of working memory.

multistore model of memory


Several theories of working memory contribute to language processing. First is the degree of modularity. Modularity deals with the organization of the system of working memory and how compartmentalized it is. If working memory were a house, a highly modular theory would be modules. Specifically, each would have a designation to a specific type of information. The various working memory theory concepts highlight how modularity occurs. If working memory differs from long-term memory, we can think of two primary ways in which this difference can occur. Also, there must be information in working memory limited to a specific period, a temporal decay property, or limited to a certain amount of information, an item capacity property. The multistore model of memory and theories of working memory essay will help in discussing language processing.

 theories of working memory and their significance


The essay will look at the working memory theory concepts as well as its characters.  Some key elements characterized the chapter. First, Atkinson and Shiffrin did not present one quantitative model to explain one memory task. However, it instead gave a general framework within which specific models for specific projects could get formulated. Thus, a theme that has continued in the developments of the model since. The theories of working memory have allowed for the concepts to evolve with time. The distinction between a general framework and task-specific models got mandated. That is by the chapter’s emphasis on flexible control processes adaptive to the current task demands. Lastly, the multistore model of memory and theories of working memory research essay looks at the criticisms of the theory.

working memory theory concepts and key characters

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