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Different models of leadership may lead to effective team management. Additionally, leadership models are the guides that suggest specific leadership behaviors that leaders use in specific situations of environment. Furthermore, good leaders should be aware of the different leadership models. Leadership depends on the approach that an individual seeks towards employees to achieve the target and fulfill organizational expectations. Moreover, the work of a high-quality leader can make a significant contribution to the achievements of an organization. Therefore, a leader should have superior characteristics that can inspire employees to achieve the goals of the organization.

Read more on the models of leadership and effective team management at;


Some models of leadership are more effective in achieving organizational goals. Fundamentally, in transformational leadership, a leader provides effective support to the operations of a company to inspire other workers. Moreover, the leader directly contributes to the achievements of an organization. They motivate individuals to perform their duties. In charismatic leadership, the leader shapes the values of other people instead of making them work beyond requirements. Resultantly, this helps in effective team management. Furthermore, charismatic leaders are great communicators, engaging, and unifying. Contrarily, ethical leaders follow their ethics hence providing employees with fair rewards and reasonable criticisms.

Read more on important models of leadership for success at;


Managers should effectively manage their teams regardless of the models of leadership that they use. Primarily, for effective team management leaders should have their voice. They should clarify the role of individual members in the organization. Sharing their voice includes conveying goals and objectives and making sure employees work to achieve the achievements of an organization. Moreover, managers should also listen to the ideas and suggestions of their subjects to make the most suitable decisions. Listening helps in building better connections and enables better decision-making. Additionally, it is important to recognize the efforts of individual members within a team. Recognition may be through rewards or promotions.

Read more on the essential skills for effective team management at;

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