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MKT310 marketing management is an important factor in the growth of industries. Additionally, it identifies market opportunities and develops appropriate strategies to explore these opportunities profitably. Also, it has to implement a marketing program and continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing mix. It ensures the efficiency of the operations of marketing activities. Moreover, it smoothens the exchange of ownership of goods and services from sellers to buyers. Marketing management comprises planning, organizing, and controlling marketing activities. It helps to ensure the growth of industries by developing strategies for success. Effective marketing management places a business ahead of its competition.

Read more on MKT310 marketing management and growth of industries at;


Primarily, in the creation of an effective MKT310 marketing management strategy, a business must understand the market in which it operates. Marketing management helps in planning through analyzing competitive opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of an industry. This helps to the formulation of strategies that lead to the growth of industries. Furthermore, marketing management helps in organizing the operations of marketing activities. This is by developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to carry out different marketing activities. Additionally, marketing management helps in the appointment of the right employees to different marketing activities.

Read more on the importance of MKT310 marketing management at;


Essentially, the growth of industries requires the establishment of a value proposition. Moreover, it is important to understand what sets an industry apart from its competition. This helps to identify the ideal customers and develop an effective MKT310 marketing management strategy. Also, it is essential to identify the key indicators that affect the growth of a business. A business should also verify its revenue streams to make itself more profitable and to effectively guide the operations of marketing activities. Looking at the competition may also help industries to strive in areas that it is struggling.

Read more on the critical steps for the growth of industries at;

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