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Mental health disorders and use of drugs are serious issues affecting the current generation. Many individuals who develop mental health disorders result from substance use. Besides, multiple surveys find that about half of those who experience a mental illness also experience substance use disorder. However, there are fewer studies on comorbidity among youth. Nevertheless, research suggests that adolescents with substance use disorders also have a high co-occurring mental illness rate. Generally, the use of drugs highly influences humans’ mental health and contributes to most mental problems. Furthermore, data show high rates of comorbid substance use disorders and anxiety disorders. Consequently, governments should major in creating substance use awareness that aims to teach youth against substance use.

Read more about mental health disorders and the use of drugs at 


Signs and symptoms of mental health disorders can vary, depending on the disorder, circumstances, and other factors. Mental illness symptoms can affect emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Therefore, the signs and symptoms include feeling sad or down. Moreover, your ability to concentrate reduces, and there is a lot of confusion. Additionally, one may have excessive fears or worries or an extreme feeling of guilt. Furthermore, the use of drugs may cause significant tiredness, low energy, or problems during sleep. Also, one may have trouble understanding and relating to situations and people. Most importantly, there might be suicidal thinking, which is very dangerous. In relevance, schools and colleges play an important role in substance use awareness to stop suicidal thinking.

Read more about signs and symptoms of mental health disorders at 


Drugs are chemicals that affect the body and brain. Different drugs can have different effects. Some effects of drugs include health consequences that are long-lasting and permanent. Moreover, mental health disorders may continue even after stopping substance use. Therefore, the use of drugs may result in a weak immune system, increasing the risk of illness and infection. Also, there are heart conditions ranging from abnormal heart rates to heart attack and collapsing veins resulting from drug injection. The use of drugs may also cause nausea and abdominal pain, leading to changes in appetite and weight loss. Consequently, due to the many effects that the drug cause to the human body, it is vital to embrace substance use awareness. Ultimately, the youth will be able to know the effects and costs of substance abuse.

Read more about effects of use of drugs at

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