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The article discusses the media’s influence on eating disorders and media self-care tips. Notably, close attention to mainstream media shows that it sends the message that thin and white bodies are more desirable. Moreover, the media markets beauty products and diets, especially to women, to achieve their desired bodies. Studies have shown that tv influences eating disorders as it influences women to go on a diet. It is mainly challenging to recover from eating disorders when faced with constant media pictures of thin people. People with larger bodies have to go through torturous routines to lose weight. Media’s influence on eating disorders is immense, and there is a need for the adoption of media self-care tips.
For more information on media’s influence on eating disorders, click
The glorification of slender ideals is responsible for eating disorders among women exposed to media images. Primarily, people afraid of eating and becoming overweight feel hostile towards the media and blame them for eating disorders. Research on media’s influence on eating disorders focused on models and actresses who are ideals of beauty. The media has primarily created a social context that contributes to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating among women. Women’s magazines contain more commercials for diet foods compared to men’s magazines. Research on media’s influence on eating disorders highlights its negative impact and need for women’s media self-care tips. 
For more information on media’s influence on eating disorders and glorification of slender ideals, click
Several media self-care tips can help people deal with the media’s portrayal of an ideal body as a thin one. Various studies have linked exposure to thin-ideal in mass media to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating among women. Mainly, magazines are responsible for the thin ideal body mindset among women through advertisements on diet programs. People affected by the media’s portrayal of thin bodies should choose and use media mindfully. Also, people should test the message for body positivity and limit screen time and social networking. The essay will highlight the media’s influence on eating disorders and several media self-care tips. 
For more information on media self-care tips and eating disorders, click

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