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Marketing strategies in business help companies to meet the needs of customers. Additionally, a marketing strategy is the overall game plan for a business to reach prospective consumers and turning them into customers of the products or services that it provides. Moreover, it contains the value proposition of a company, key branding messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements. Furthermore, for a business to be successful, it needs to draw in a healthy number of customers. Also, a company should customize marketing strategies to make them sustainable and realistic for its growth capacity.
 marketing strategies in business and the needs of customers at;


Essentially, before putting together these strategies, a company conducts a hefty amount of research which provides a lot of information about the customers and their activities, current trends, and competitors. Also, marketing strategies help businesses to meet the needs of customers. They give the business more control and allow it to diversify its sales channels. Moreover, they help businesses to discover what makes them unique enabling them to map out clear strategies to communicate those benefits. Resultantly, this helps customers to understand why their products or services are better than those of the competition.
 advantages of marketing strategies in business


The marketing strategies in business should work towards satisfying the needs of customers. Moreover, the basic needs of customers are friendliness, understanding, fairness, control, alternatives, and information. Friendliness is the most basic of all customer needs. Additionally, customers should not feel that they are an intrusion on a service provider. Also, they need to feel that the service provider understands and appreciates their circumstances and feelings without criticism or judgment. Furthermore, businesses should provide necessary information on their products or services to customers to educate them.
 the six basic needs of customers

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