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This assignment reviews the issues of managing strategic and effective suppliers’ sourcing in the various stages of sourcing. There must be a clearly outlined procurement plan that guides the entire process. The overall aim is achieving customer satisfaction at the least cost possible. With increased global procurement and sourcing, firms must be more strategic in their sourcing approaches. This helps companies to achieve competitive advantage by keeping costs low and providing goods and services efficiently. Supplier development helps to improve innovation and quality insights of suppliers. It helps to achieve the loyalty importance of strategic procurement. It, therefore, becomes easier to improve cross-functional collaboration, develop new capabilities, and more streamlined processes.
Read more of managing strategic and effective suppliers’ sourcing at 


Best procurement practices help to realize the loyalty importance of strategic procurement. Firstly, organizations need to form strategic procurement teams. These teams help to set the procurement goals, aligned with the business objectives. This requires collaboration among all departments. Strategic procurement eases the management of the stages of sourcing. With strategic procurement, companies can also build stronger, more productive supplier relationships. It also improves communication and information sharing with suppliers, which promotes transparency. This is especially the case with global procurement and sourcing. Firms can learn and redesign their procurement processes to improve overall performance. This involves optimizing core performance measures such as quality, cost, and cycle time.
Read more of sourcing skills and best practices in procurement at 


Innovative techniques in procurement help to improve the importance of strategic procurement. They enable firms to have systematic approaches for reducing external spending while enhancing the quality, internal processes, and total cost. These techniques also aid in identifying and developing suppliers in markets that line up with the supplier network rationalization strategy. Innovation accelerates global procurement and sourcing. Some of these techniques include modular sourcing, supplier network rationalization, and supplier development. Modularity, reduced sub-assembly, and central line assembly in house enable assembly savings. Implementing procurement business process transformation helps to manage the various stages of sourcing effectively. Such techniques reduce the challenges involved in procurement such as identifying the right supplier.
Read more of innovative techniques in global procurement at 

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