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The management of human resources should involve the development of workplace policies. Human resource management is the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing strategies to retain them, and developing policies relating to them. Moreover, it is responsible for a wide variety of activities across several core organizational functions. Additionally, these activities promote the well-being of employees and ensure that an organization treats employees in a way that provides mutual benefit for both the employee and the organization.


The management of human resources is responsible for staffing. Moreover, staffing involves the entire hiring process from posting a job to the negotiation of a salary package. Also, it entails the development of workplace policies to encourage multiculturalism at work. These policies also ensure fairness and continuity within the organization. It also deals with worker protection that ensures the well-being of employees. Additionally, human resource management should be aware of worker protection requirements and ensure that the workplace is meeting both federal and union standards. It also deals with the training and development of employees to ensure high productivity of an organization.


The first step in the development of workplace policies is the identification of the need. Additionally, an organization needs to constantly assess its activities, responsibilities, and external environment to identify the need for procedures and policies. This is the duty of the management of the human resources. Then the next step is identifying who will take lead responsibility. Moreover, it is important to delegate responsibility to an individual or group according to their expertise. The gathering of information and the drafting of the policies follows. The organization should ensure that the policies are appropriate and they ensure the well-being of employees.

Read more on the stages in the development of workplace policies at;

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