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Management information systems and management information system technologies offer a competitive edge in the techy savvy business environment. Management information systems are tools used to support processes, operations, intelligence, and IT. Therefore, MIS produces data-driven reports that foster decision-making and systems integration at the management level of organizations. Providently, there are several types of MIS. They include business intelligence systems and customer relationship management systems. MIS is the core of the information management discipline, and they overlap with other business concepts like enterprise resource planning. Consequently, management information system technologies move data and manage information. The latter MIS tools use connected organizational systems to access data to create reports.

Read more on management information systems and management information system technologies at


There are several types of management information systems. First, the executive information system applies to decisions affecting the entire organization. Secondly, the marketing information system reports on the effectiveness of past and current promotion campaigns. Thirdly, the management level of organizations apply business intelligence to make business operations decisions based on the data collected. Lastly, the customer relationship management system stores consumers’ information like previous sales, contact information, and sales opportunities. In conclusion, the management information system technologies offer an overview of the entire operation. Therefore, managers should apply MIS to improve overall business operations, customer satisfaction and employee productivity.

Read more on the types and importance of management information systems at


Management information systems technologies are changing and advancing. They include the weak and narrow artificial intelligence, which incorporates human intelligence in computer systems. Secondly, advances in machine learning and deep learning have optimized decision-making and activities at the management level of an organization. The latter includes think instantaneous translation, autonomous vehicles, robots, digital manufacturing (3D printing), etc. Thirdly, the internet of things has rapidly increased the sense-and-respond environment. Lastly, block chain distributed-ledger technology has streamlined the overall supply-chain, thereby improving overall business efficiency. In conclusion, management information systems have revolutionized businesses in terms of the level of customer service and goal achievement.

Read more on the types and applications of management information system technologies at

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