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This paper analyzes the importance of maintaining good health and weight control in children. Maintaining good health contributes to a child’s body, shape, and size. Healthy eating and proper lifestyle patterns help in weight control in children. It is important to maintain a healthy weight for good health in childhood and even in adulthood. Failing to control a child’s weight may lead to obesity in children. To ensure the maintenance of good health, regular physical activity in a child’s daily routine is essential. This helps in balancing the number of calories in the body and hence allowing the child to have normal development and growth.
 maintaining good health and weight control in children


Maintaining good health ensures body organs perform efficiently. This enhances the general performance of the body which is achieved by regular physical activity. Good health also reduces the chances of contracting diseases. It is important to incorporate healthy habits into our daily lives. A child with good health is free from bodyweight disorders as a result of bad dietary choices. In this case, weight control in children is by involving a child in physical activity. Furthermore, maintaining good health reduces stress in children hence the body functions efficiently. It also improves the learning ability of a child enabling them to think critically and creatively. Observation of the health habits of children enhances their work productivity. This reduces the risk of developing work-related diseases.
 importance of maintaining good health in children


Regular physical activity helps in weight control in children by reducing the excess amount of calories in the body. Regular exercise reduces abdominal fat which is known to contribute to the development of high blood pressure and diabetes. Overweight children are likely to be overweight even when they become adults. Maintaining good health during childhood is therefore important to ensure good health as the child grows older. Overweight children can also suffer from liver problems and arthritis. It is therefore important to include low-fat proteins, fruits, and vegetables in their diet.
 advantages of weight control in children

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