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This paper examines the latest technological trends and technological impacts on careers. Technology is an evolving aspect. It keeps changing over time. Therefore, it creates eased methods of performing tasks. There are various trends, including the following. One, the use of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, which automates some manual activities such as distribution. Secondly, the internet keeps evolving, becoming faster each time. Thirdly, the evolution of aerospace technologies that facilitate travel in space. Fourthly, technical development in healthcare through improving machines such as MRIs, X-rays, and CT-scans. Additionally, the advancement of technology in business through marketing, global communication, and production process. Although technology holds many advantages, there are some social issues caused by technology.
latest technological trends and technological impact on a career


This section examines the technological impacts on career choice and development. In the current world, technology dictates the jobs that have the highest demand. Moreover, technological advancements lead to the creation of more positions that didn’t exist. As a result, career objectives, choices, and preparation are rapidly changing. Currently, individuals are seeking self-employment rather than employment by organizations. In most organizations today, the latest technological trends influence almost all the activities. This is from the online application, online training, computerized appraisals to working in virtual teams. Moreover, technology has enhanced information dependency in workplaces for the proper operations of machines. As a result, reduction in manual labor, which is a social issue caused by technology arises.
technological impacts on career choice and development


Technology is an essential element that aids the smooth running of activities. Although there are social issues caused by technology. One is the evasion of people’s privacy. Sharing private information in chats rooms and online conferences compromises the security of the data. Secondly, the latest technological trends affect the health and fitness of a human being. For example, prolonged using computers of computers at work and home affects posture and vision. Thirdly, cyberbullying that is facilitated by the media, holds some life-threatening outcomes. Extreme cyberbullying leads to anxiety, depression, and suicide. Moreover, identity theft is another implication of technology. Technological impacts on careers are mostly positive. But on the other hand, it leads to adverse outcomes such as downsizing of employees.
 problems associated with technology in society

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