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The lack of sleep negatively affects the production of hormones in the body. Fundamentally, getting less than seven hours of sleep regularly can lead to health consequences that affect the entire body. Moreover, the body needs sleep just as it requires air and good. During sleep, the body restores its chemical balance and heals itself. Additionally, the brain forges new thought connections and helps in the retention of memory. Therefore, without enough sleep, the body systems and the brain cannot function normally. This leads to low quality of life. Some of the signs of sleep deprivation include irritability, daytime fatigue, excessive sleepiness, and frequent yawning.

Read more on lack of sleep and production of hormones at;


The lack of sleep causes a person to become more prone to infections and chronic conditions such as heart disease. Also, it makes the body take longer to recover from illness. Additionally, it affects the production of hormones in the body. It causes the body to release additional stress hormones like cortisol and norepinephrine. It also affects the production of hormones that boost fertility. Furthermore, the lack of sleep affects the body systems such as the cardiovascular system. Sleep helps the heart vessels to heal and maintains blood pressure as well as sugar levels.

Read more on the effects of lack of sleep on the body at;


Hormones are crucial elements in the body systems. Several factors affect the production of endocrine organs in the production of hormones. Aging is a factor that causes huge changes in hormone production, secretion, and metabolism. Occasionally, this is due to the damage of cells due to the aging process and the medical issues that accumulate when aging. Chronic diseases may also affect the endocrine system as they affect the ability of the liver and kidneys to break down hormones. Also, stress due to factors such as lack of sleep triggers a stress response that influences the functioning of the endocrine system.

Read more on the factors affecting endocrine organs in production of hormones at;

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