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Job Demands and Resources. best 2023

The Impact of Job Demands and Resources on Hospital Doctors’ Work Experience, Burnout, and Turnover Intention

Job Demands and Resources

This essay will explore how Job Demands and Resources (JD-R) theory can be applied to understand the relationship between doctors’ job demands, resources, work experience, burnout, and turnover intention. Hospital doctors are critical stakeholders in the healthcare system, responsible for providing high-quality patient care. However, the job demand of their profession and the available resources significantly affect their work experience, leading to burnout and, often, turnover intentions.

Job Demands in Hospital Medicine

Workload and Time Pressure

Hospital doctors face demanding workloads and time pressures. The need to see a high volume of patients, administer treatments, and manage emergencies can lead to exhaustion and increased stress levels.

Emotional Demands

Doctors often deal with emotionally taxing situations, including patient deaths, difficult diagnoses, and family interactions. These emotional demands can lead to emotional exhaustion and compassion fatigue.

Lack of Autonomy

In some healthcare settings, doctors may need more autonomy due to strict protocols and administrative procedures. This lack of control over their work can contribute to feelings of frustration and burnout.

 Job Resources in Hospital Medicine

Supportive Colleagues and Teamwork

Supportive colleagues and effective teamwork can serve as a valuable resource for doctors. A collaborative environment can reduce stress and enhance job satisfaction.

Access to Training and Development

Ongoing training and professional development opportunities can help doctors stay updated with the latest medical practices and technologies, reducing job-related stress.

Adequate Staffing and Equipment

Having adequate support staff, nurses, and necessary medical equipment is critical for doctors to perform their tasks competently and without strain.

Job Demands and Resources: Work Experience and Burnout

Burnout Definition and Prevalence

Burnout among hospital doctors is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. High job demands, coupled with limited resources, contribute to burnout.

The Impact of Burnout

Burnout negatively affects doctors’ physical and mental health, leading to increased absenteeism, lower job performance, and reduced quality of patient care.

Job Demands and Resources: Turnover Intention

The Link Between Burnout and Turnover

Burnout is a significant predictor of turnover intention among hospital doctors. Doctors may contemplate leaving their positions because they experience emotional exhaustion and decreased job satisfaction.

The Consequences of Doctor Turnover

Doctor turnover has serious consequences for healthcare organizations, including increased recruitment costs, decreased continuity of patient care, and reduced team morale.

Job Demands and Resources: The Role of JD-R Theory

JD-R Theory Overview

JD-R theory postulates that job demands and resources interact to influence employees’ work-related outcomes. High job demands can lead to negative consequences when not balanced with adequate help.

Application to Hospital Doctors

High job demands in hospital medicine (emotional demands, workload, and lack of autonomy) can lead to burnout when not counterbalanced by job resources (supportive colleagues, staffing, training, and equipment).

Job Demands and Resources: Strategies to Mitigate Burnout and Turnover

Improving Workload Management

Healthcare organizations can implement better workload management strategies, such as patient allocation based on understanding, to reduce excessive work demands.

Enhancing Support Systems

Creating a culture of support, where doctors can seek help and engage in peer support, can alleviate emotional demands and reduce burnout.

Investing in Training and Development

Continuous medical education and skill enhancement programs can empower doctors, helping them feel more competent and reducing job-related stress.

Adequate Resource Allocation

Hospitals should allocate sufficient resources, including staffing and equipment, to guarantee that doctors can perform their duties effectively without excessive strain.

Conclusion to Job Demands and Resources 

Hospital doctors face significant job demands that, when not balanced with adequate job resources, can lead to burnout and increase turnover intention. JD-R theory provides a valuable framework for understanding these dynamics. Addressing doctors’ challenges by improving resource allocation, workload management, and support systems is crucial for enhancing their work experience, reducing burnout, and retaining highly skilled professionals in the healthcare sector. Ultimately, prioritizing doctors’ well-being and job satisfaction is not only beneficial for individual practitioners but also for the overall quality of patient care and healthcare organizations as a whole.


De Hert, S. (2020). Burnout in healthcare workers: Prevalence, impact and preventative strategies. Local and Regional Anesthesia, [online] 13(13), pp.171–183. doi:

Murthy, V.H. (2022). Confronting health worker burnout and well-being. New England Journal of Medicine, [online] 387(7). doi: (n.d.). APA PsycNet. [online] Available at:

Job Demands and Resources

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