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Invention of technology and the influence on culture is highly affecting people’s lives today. Technology is affecting every aspect of our lives. However, one of the greatest business challenges is not about the invention of technology but how we manage the process of cultural change. For instance, in agriculture, the introduction of machines that can till, thresh, plant, and harvest greatly reduces the need for labor. Consequently, technological influence on culture becomes more and more persuasive. Moreover, the inequality to access that technology also increases. The technology invention creates a digital divide and a knowledge gap for those who have less access to technology. Therefore, the different levels of knowledge of technology are creating barriers between low class and high-class persons.

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There are several disadvantages of the technological invention that range from social disturbances and loss of cultural practices. The invention of technology gives rise to different technological devices that influence normal human life. For instance, the introduction of modern cell phones is causing negligence to social friendliness. Besides, instead of people meeting and living together as families, technology prefers online communication. Moreover, the urge to impress social peers on the internet makes the clothing industry change dressing culture to the modern one. Additionally, the invention of technological machines is a major influence on culture. The use of motor vehicles and machines to carry out work leads to loss of job opportunities for manual laborers. Besides, people who have less knowledge of technology consider themselves poor and low class.

Read more about disadvantages of invention of technology


Technology influences everyday life and has a strong influence on culture. There is a lot of invention in technology in the 21st century. Therefore, technology is imperative and incorporates all aspects of culture, including travel, food, government, and art. Moreover, technology shapes different cultures and differentiates one from another. Through the technology of computers and teleconferencing, a special learner can access knowledge worldwide. Furthermore, technological influence on culture allows for the advancement of opportunities and communication systems. Additionally, technology allows for every opportunity to be affordable and creates more opportunities than in the past. Consequently, the available platforms provide essential knowledge of technology that helps explore the potentials in life. Ultimately, technology helps navigate the choices of life and enhances the organizational skill of culture.



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