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The essay focuses on an introduction to philosophy and reasons to study philosophy and why philosophy is engaging. Notably, people get confused about what philosophy entails. Mainly, philosophers strive for systematic expertise at working out how to best find individual and collective fulfillment. Importantly, there are six central areas that philosophers have developed expertise in that may people lack wisdom. Philosophers such as Aristotle have contributed extensively to several major philosophical areas. For example, people don’t ask big questions, which is a central area tackled by philosophers. An introduction to philosophy helps in understanding the reasons to study philosophy and the exciting topics addressed by philosophers.


There are several reasons to study philosophy, and philosophy can be an interesting subject for anyone. First, philosophy helps one to become a better thinker and reasoner than they are currently. Once you’ve mastered basic principles of logic, you will recognize an argument when you see one. Secondly, philosophy helps in understanding the influential political tendencies of our time. There are some major philosophical areas that political philosophers tackle, such as far-right and far-left ideologies. Examples of political philosophers include Leo Strauss and Herbert Marcuse. The article provides an introduction to philosophy and reasons to study philosophy and what makes the subject interesting.

reasons to study philosophy and why philosophy is interesting, click


Many critical philosophers have contributed to major philosophical areas. Notably, Aristotle is among the most important and influential thinkers and teachers in human history. Mainly, he alongside his mentor, Plato, get considered as fathers of western philosophy. Primarily, most philosophers who followed him owed a direct debt to his wide-ranging influence. Aristotle’s impact was a consequence of both of the breadth of his writing and his reach during his lifetime. Importantly, some of his big ideas include asserting the use of logic as a method of argument. Lastly, the introduction to philosophy helps in identifying critical philosophers and helps in understanding reasons to study philosophy.

major philosophical areas and essential philosophers

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