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The essay provides an introduction to Krispy Kreme and also discusses Krispy Kreme’s failures. Krispy Kreme had the smell of featherlight, just-out-of-the-fryer doughnuts covered in a sugary glaze. The smell was amazing and drew lines of people between midnight and early morning. How Krispy Kreme almost ended is a case study of significant franchise risk. First, Krispy got sold to an international conglomerate that peddled everything, including window treatments and bras. Saviors emerged and bought back Krispy, but it got sidelined for failing to achieve high earnings. An introduction to Krispy Kreme helps in understanding Krispy Kreme’s failures and risks that a franchise can face.

 introduction to Krispy Kreme and Krispy Kreme failures


Business report details emerged that highlighted Krispy Kreme’s failures. The particulars showed the accounting errors and failures in leadership within Krispy Kreme. Notably, the errors occurred while the company rapidly expanded and dazzled investors. Krispy Kreme’s failures now help most businesses in understanding various major franchise risks and how to avoid them. Mainly, the report singled out Krispy Kreme’s former chief executive, Scott A. Livengood, and its former chief operating officer. However, the report stopped short of accusing the two of deliberate accounting fraud. Therefore, the assignmnet provides an introduction to Krispy Kreme that helps in highlighting some major Krispy Kreme failures.

Krispy Kreme failures and Krispy Kreme report details


Krispy Kreme failures present some of the major franchise risks. Notably, one of the reasons behind Krispy Kreme’s downfall was its incredibly rapid growth. During the start of the glazed donuts’ popularity, people would wait in lines. Primarily, this was for a rare taste of the warm delicacies. Mostly, Krispy Kreme wanted to capitalize on its popularity to sell its brand everywhere. However, their attempt diluted the appeal of its core product. Moreover, the franchise failure tactic is to allow franchise locations that are too close in proximity as was with Krispy. Lastly, the essay will discuss an introduction to Krispy Kreme, and the main Krispy Kreme failures businesses can learn from today.

major franchise risks and Krispy Kreme failures

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