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Improving health quality and doctors’ legal duties are crucial concerns in the health ministry. Improving health quality requires profound changes in designing of health systems. Therefore, preparing healthcare professionals to take this task requires a common vision across professions. Most importantly, reaching the patients’ needs is essential for their health. Moreover, it is everyone’s wish that the patients recover quickly. Therefore, doctors’ legal duties include patients’ best interests at heart. Moreover, patients have the most encounters with health professionals. Consequently, the health professionals should be careful in handling patients and accounting for their safety and happiness. Furthermore, patients’ recovery process entirely depends on their time in the health facility.

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High-quality services involve the right care, at the right time, responding to the service users’ needs and preferences. Moreover, improving health quality includes minimizing harm and resource waste. Therefore, quality healthcare increases the likelihood of health outcomes and is consistent with seven measurable characteristics: effectiveness, safety, people-centeredness, timeliness, equity, integration of care, and efficiency. For instance, increasing first-contact accessibility to health care workers through the lady health worker program improves management. Therefore, doctors’ legal duties require the warm welcome of patients and making them feel comfortable in hospitals. Furthermore, ensuring the safe and effective use of medicines, devices, and technologies is crucial to patient safety. Engaging, effective use of health information systems aids in the patients’ recovery process.

Read more about improving health quality services in hospitals at 


Healthcare workers have a legal and ethical responsibility to protect the patients they care for. Therefore, when they ignore these responsibilities, patients suffer. Improving health quality requires abiding by these codes and ethical responsibilities. Moreover, healthcare workers hold responsibility for every action and behavior in health institutions. Ethical behavior or responsibility is doing the right thing for the patient. For example, the nursing code of ethics illustrates their legal responsibilities and codes that they should adhere to. Furthermore, any neglect of the doctors’ legal duties is answerable by the court of laws. However, nursing facilities have perhaps the most notorious cases for neglect of older adults. Consequently, neglect negatively impacts patients’ recovery process. Therefore, it is important to take heed to the codes of ethics and legal responsibilities.

Read more about doctors’ legal duties in health institutions at 

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