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In the medical profession, it is vital to understand the implications of psychology on physical health of individuals. First, implications of psychology on health refer to how the mind affects an individual’s health. On the other hand, physical health of individuals refers to the health status of the general body. Medical professionals always consider these two concepts to be relating. Thus, poor physical health will lead to poor mental health. Also, poor mental health will always lead to poor physical health. Therefore, understanding the relationship between physical and mental health can help improve healthcare outcomes of individuals. This will help individuals live a more comfortable life. Moreover, it will also help health professionals in the effective diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Read more on implication of psychology on physical health of individuals at: 


Scholars usually consider several factors affecting healthcare as a broad aspect. First, we may consider the implications of psychology on the health of individuals. Understanding the relationship between psychology and health will require an understanding of human behavior. Therefore, this will mean the understanding of such behaviors as smoking. Moreover, scholars will also have to understand individuals’ feeding patterns as psychology also affects such behaviors. Furthermore, scholars are also researching the relationship between psychology and pain. Their results show that the manipulation of an individual’s psychology can help reduce pain. Thus, health professionals can use this knowledge to promote the physical health of individuals. Furthermore, they can also use it to promote the healthcare outcomes of individuals should they fall ill.

Read more on implications of psychology on health at:


Research shows that implications of psychology may be diverse on health. However, several factors still contribute in affecting an individual’s health. To begin with, these factors may include poor public policies. Poor policies may include poor regulation of vehicles on the roads. This leads to the release of harmful gases that may cause poor health. Additionally, social factors may affect the physical health of individuals. These factors may include poor living conditions. Thus, individuals may lack access to such necessities as safe water, which leads to poor health. Moreover, the lack of health services may also affect the physical health of individuals. Factors such as high medical costs may act as a barrier to health. Therefore, this causes a lack of affordability leading to poor health outcomes of individuals.

Read more on factors affecting physical health of individuals at:

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