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For this assignment, we will discuss the implementation of fall prevention programs within healthcare facilities. It is important to implement such programs to avoid extra costs and time spent to recover from falls. Also, a fall may result in fractures, lacerations, or internal bleeding, leading to increased health care utilization. There is a need to investigate the causes of patient falls in hospitals. The most common causes of patient fall in hospitals include high-risk medication, delayed response to the nurse call bell, and failure to set bed-exit alarms. After knowing the reasons causing falls, healthcare facilities can come up with measures to counter. Lastly, fall prevention strategies in hospitals involve managing a patient’s underlying fall risk factors.

Read more of implementing fall prevention programs within healthcare facilities at 


Fall prevention strategies in hospitals entail optimizing the hospital’s physical design and environment. Therefore, these strategies should aim at sustaining the implemented fall prevention program. The determination of the causes of patient falls in hospitals is key to implementing evidence-based practices and new policies. By providing a safe hospital environment for patients, the clinical staff can minimize the risk of patient falls. Additionally, an interdisciplinary approach to preventing falls adds to the successful implementation of fall prevention programs. This approach shows clearly the evidence of causes of falls. Therefore, educating patients and their relatives can highly reduce the number of falls, where nurses are not available immediately.
Read more of evidence-based practices to avoid falls in hospitals at 


The implementation of fall prevention programs should include education to patients and other family members. This way, everyone will be aware of various ways to avoid falls in hospitals. For example, family members can help weak patients with movements around bathrooms to prevent falls. Knowledge of the causes of patient falls in hospitals contributes to improving healthcare. Patients can avoid the risks involved by simple communication whenever they require help. Nurses can also enhance monitoring and simple fall prevention measures by being more alert. Such fall prevention strategies in hospitals are the responsibilities of both healthcare workers and patients.
For additional information on patient and family education for fall prevention, visit

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