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For this assignment, we will evaluate the impact of technology on the work environment. Throughout history, technology has consistently changed the way workers across every industry do their jobs. The effect of technology on work culture grows as time progresses. Technology may further affect the levels and quality of employee performance. Improved speed and efficiency are part of how technology affects employee performance. Technology also improves communication across the entire organization. Effective communication improves how the organization behaves in general. Therefore, improved communication in organizations is one of the roles of information technology in organizational behavior.

For more information on the impact of technology on work environment 


One of the most important roles of information technology in organizational behavior is keeping accounts of all aspects, positions, and duties. Co-working spaces offer telecommuters and freelancers working different jobs in a communal office environment so they can feel like they have a home-base to work from. Therefore, their performance levels improve over time. This is how technology affects employee performance. The impact of technology on the work environment may depend on the organizational culture. The employees and other organizational stakeholders may be reluctant to accept new technology. However, the effects of technology on work culture are usually positive.

For more information about technology and its impact on organizational structure


New technology influences managers in the way thus obtain, analyze, and transmit information. Since management decisions affect organizational behavior, the role of information technology in organizational behavior becomes key to good management skills. Important changes occur in the areas of information used for decision making and solving problems in the organization. Good management in organizations enhances the effect of technology on work culture. Managers must also work to improve the work environment as technology advances. The impact of technology on the work environment is used to evaluate how technology affects employee performance.

For more information on technology and its effect on management

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