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This research paper evaluates identity development and the importance of identity development.  A person’s identity influences an individual’s choices throughout their life.  Identity development mostly starts at the adolescent stage of life. During this time, an individual defines how they are described by the society. They try out diverse behaviors and appearances before settling for the one. The two main concepts of the development are self-concept and self-esteem. Self-concept relates to the ability to have opinions and beliefs. On the other hand, self-esteem is an individual’s thoughts towards self-concept. Moreover, the implementation of these elements is through consistency and stability. Areas of identity development include gender, political, religious, vocational, and ethnic identity.
 identity development and the importance of identity development


This section evaluates the importance of identity development in an individual’s life. The psychological theory of identity development is essential for understanding diversity emergence in adulthood. According to this theory by Erikson, it addresses and resolves issues arising during an individual’s lifespan.  In childhood, shame is predominant as compared to guilt in adulthood. According to the theory, identity development is important in ruling out the confusion arising, especially during adolescence. Moreover, it identifies one identity that helps in the appreciation of other diversity. Comprehension of areas of identity development by individuals is essential. As a result, they shape their identity in those individual areas becoming recognizable people in society.
 evaluating the importance of identity development


The varying areas of identity development mold an individual to choose their desired identity. Other factors influencing identity are psychological, social, historical, and biological factors. As a result, identity development steers the career choice of an individual. Moreover, it molds an individual’s ability to create a successful role of work within given occasions. The focus of researchers on career development is on identity’s immediate precursor, whereby children develop industrial interest. At this stage, children’s career preferences are influenced mostly by the people around them. For example, a child desires to pursue the same career as their parents.  Appreciation of the importance of identity development is mostly in adulthood when evolution through the stages is complete.
 impact of identity development in career development

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