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This dissertation analyses HSC4210-healthcare ethical principles and ethical issues in healthcare. Ethics are guidelines of what is wrong and right. They apply to all professions within healthcare, be it doctors, nurses, or health administrators. Most of the medical procedures have merits and downsides. Therefore, the implementation of HSC4210-healthcare ethical principles is essential in the field. Four guidelines provide practitioners with directions for making inevitable decisions. These are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. All four hold both practitioner’s and patient’s good interests at hand. On the other hand, unethical practice leads to various consequences. As a result, this paper also analyses how unethical behavior harms healthcare.

Read more on HSC4210-healthcare ethical principles and ethical issues in healthcare at


Working in healthcare is highly rewarding but also very challenging at times. This is because the field is complex; hence, each decision made about service delivery requires critical thinking. These decisions range from the care patients receive to the use of resources in the healthcare unit. HSC4210-healthcare ethical principles facilitate the identification of ethical dilemmas by practitioners. Moreover, the guide the steps and procedures of finding solutions to the dilemmas. The ethical issues in healthcare include the following. One is the Do Not Resuscitate(DNR) order by patients. It is controversial since a health practitioner’s main aim is saving lives. Also, it is not clear if patients were capacitated while making the decision. Other issues are the doctor and patient confidentiality and malpractice and negligence.

Read more on current ethical issues in the healthcare practice at


Unethical behaviors in healthcare result from failure to adhere to HSC4210-healthcare ethical principles. Each practitioner receives education on ethics before they start practice. Therefore, it is a requirement that they strictly adhere to these ethical principles. Not addressing the arising ethical issues in healthcare might also result in unethical behavior. Unethical behavior impacts negatively on the physical and mental health of both practitioners and the victims. Most of the time, only the impact on organizations is echoed, leaving out victims’ impact. This is how unethical behavior harms healthcare delivery to patients. Behaviors such as bullying by health practitioners greatly affect victims’ mental health. This is through elevated stress levels, depression, anxiety, and burnout. In extreme cases, it is life-threatening and results in suicide.

Read more on understanding how unethical behavior harms healthcare at

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