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Homo neanderthalensis in ANT 2000 the research paper are a distinct group of Middle to Early Upper Pleistocene hominins. Neandertals seem to have originated among European populations of Homo heidelbergensis, and Middle Pleistocene hominin. The discoveries from Atapuerca, Spain are often considered transitional between the two species. Neanderthals species get portrayed as cavemen in movies, books, and media, and they are our closest extinct relatives. There is, however, the debate over their placement in the human lineage and their contribution to modern-day humans. A closely related species to the Neanderthals is the Denisovans. The DNA of Denisovans differed from both humans and   Homo neanderthalensis in ANT 2000 research paper.

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Homo neanderthalensis in ANT 2000 research paper had a long, low skull compared to the globular head of modern humans. Additionally, they had a characteristic prominent brow ridge above their eyes. The central part of the face protruded forward and had a large, broad nose. Some scientists think the features by the Neanderthals species may have been an adaptation to living in colder environments. The large internal volume of their nose would have acted to moisten and warm the air they breathed. Their front teeth were also large, and scratch-marks show they were used as a third hand when preparing food. Unlike modern humans, Homo neanderthalensis didn’t have much of a chin.

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Homo neanderthalensis in ANT 2000 research paper and humans are closely related though they are not our direct ancestors. Evidence from the fossil record and genetic data shows they developed as a side branch in our family tree. Some European Homo heidelbergensis fossils were showing early Neanderthal-like features by about 300,000 years ago. It is, therefore, likely that the Neanderthals species evolved In Europe from this species. The name Homo sapiens neanderthalensis was common , Homo sapiens. An analysis of the Neanderthal nuclear DNA and genes published in 2010 shows that humans and Neanderthals did interbreed. The interbreeding between humans and homo neanderthalensis was, however, on a minimal scale.

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