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This dissertation examines NOHS ethical standards and social work ethical dilemmas. NOHS is an abbreviation for National Organization for Human Services. It is an organization that deals with supporting individuals and communities for development. Moreover, human service workers aim at performing jobs that meet clients’ needs and improve their livelihoods. There exist HN502-NOHS ethical standards that give guidelines on the practice of human services. The code of ethics sets standards for the level of respect and dignity held while in the profession. Additionally, it places boundaries on the appropriate relationships between clients and professionals. These ethics probes the need to analyze the factors of socioeconomic inequalities.

Read more in HN502-NOHS ethical standards and social work ethics at


Social work and human services are closely related, but not the same. Human services normally focus on the bigger picture. Its governing is through HN502-NOHS ethical standards. On the other hand, social work deals directly with clients in carrying out social programs. Similar to human services, a code of conduct is equally essential in social work. The code of conduct comes in handy when addressing the existing dilemmas. Social work ethical dilemmas include the following. One, receiving gifts may compromise the social worker’s judgment on decisions. Therefore, they are usually torn on whether to accept the gestures of gifts or not. Secondly, dual relationships are not encouraged by social workers and clients. Additionally, another dilemma arises when it comes to confidentiality involving minors.

Read more on understanding the ethical dilemmas in social work at


Social inequality is the relational processes in society that affect a certain group’s social class, circle, and status. The factors of socioeconomic inequalities are several, including the following. Voting rights, quality of housing, transportation, access to health care, and education. Additionally, owning property, freedom of speech, and distribution of goods and services are other factors. Socioeconomic inequalities are present due to many reasons. These are either because of society’s comprehension of gender roles and social stereotyping. Moreover, its establishment may be through discriminatory legislation.  The way people behave socially tends to affect the wealth individuals generate and the opportunities available to them. Due to these inequalities, the need for human services and social work arises. The observance of HN502-NOHS ethical standards is essential when offering human services.

Read more on the factors of socioeconomic inequalities at

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