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The essay will discuss healthcare cultural competence and internal factors affecting the delivery of quality care; cultural competence is the ability of healthcare providers to meet the cultural and social needs of patients. Mainly, respect is the foundation of cultural competence-patients who can communicate freely with respectful healthcare providers. Poor communication is responsible for lower levels of satisfaction in healthcare services. Notably, racial minorities exhibit disparities in healthcare and dissatisfaction. Moreover. The language barrier contributes to significant differences in healthcare due to poor communication between patients and nurses. The essay will help in understanding healthcare cultural competence and the delivery of quality care importance.

 healthcare cultural competence and delivery of quality care, click


The healthcare organization environment can affect the delivery of quality care for patients. Primarily, the healthcare organization environment consists of the internal and external environments. The internal environment is the working environment where healthcare services get provided, and the resources used to provide services. Besides, there is the external environment, which is the surrounding environment of the healthcare organizations that affects healthcare performance. Also, the healthcare system is an internal environment component that affects the delivery of quality care. Notably, the healthcare system faces a shortage of medical staff at healthcare organizations, leading to low quality of care. Lastly, understanding healthcare cultural competence is essential in the delivery of quality care.

For more information on healthcare organization environment and delivery of quality care, click


Delivery of quality care is essential in ensuring that patients get the best treatment leading to their satisfaction. Mainly, the quality of care is a critical component of the right to health. Moreover, it provides a route for equity and dignity for women. Many health facilities face difficulties while providing emergency care for maternal issues and newborns. Mainly, This is primarily due to unhygienic infrastructure, unmotivated staff, poor documentation, and poor quality of medicines. Improving the quality of care is essential in reducing mortality for patients, especially for mothers and newborns. The essay will highlight healthcare cultural competence and factors influencing the delivery of quality care.

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