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Good corporate governance requires disaster recovery plans to manage risks to a company. Furthermore, corporate governance is the system of practices, processes, and rules that direct and control a firm. Additionally, it involves balancing the interests of the government, stakeholders, suppliers, customers, and senior management. It provides the framework for attaining the objectives of a company. Moreover, it takes place in every part of the management from action plans to performance management. The corporate governance of a firm is important to investors as it shows them the direction and integrity of the company. Furthermore, it helps the company to build trust with investors and the community.


Implementing good corporate governance may be a challenge to various companies. However, companies can take several steps to implement it successfully. Primarily, a company should aim to acquirable a suitable board that is competent and diverse to achieve the objectives of a company. Moreover, they should understand the business thoroughly and offer fresh perspectives. Additionally, it is important to review the board regularly. Establishing a risk management process and an internal control framework is also crucial. A company needs to keep its disaster recovery plans up to date to enhance its effectiveness.

Read more on the steps to good corporate governance at;


Having good disaster recovery plans helps a company to minimize costs and ensure continuity of the company after a disaster. Disaster recovery plans help to reduce panic among employees in case of a disaster. Additionally, they outline the role of each employee enabling them to carry out their tasks without panic. Good corporate governance aims to ensure the smooth running of activities at all times. Disaster recovery plans allow a company to maintain its high service quality while keeping its customers happy. Resultantly, this ensures the achievement of the objectives of a company.

Read more on the benefits of disaster recovery plans at;

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