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Globalization of eating disorders and diet peer influence is currently increasing diabetic patients worldwide. Evidence supports the increasingly broad globalization of eating disorders in the world. Moreover, the global burden of disease study data demonstrates that the health burden associates with eating disorders. Furthermore, study findings in North America and other traditionally African societies support potential contributions of peer influence. These include a recent prospective study of female adolescents in the diet peer influence. Moreover, multiple sources of data suggest that peers influence the risk for an eating disorder among adolescents. Consequently, the influence of adolescents on diet is significantly alarming. Furthermore, they inject attitudes towards particular types of food.


Globalization is a phenomenon that has been widely known for its positive effects of bringing cultures together and facilitating communication. However, the negative effects of globalization affect many scholars. Therefore, acknowledging globalization of eating disorders and how it affects our lives is the first step towards finding the solution. Unfortunately, globalization plays a major, indirect role in promoting eating disorders. Most importantly, the major force aiding this is peer pressure. Diet peer influence promotes the globalization of diet peer influence. Besides, it promotes eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. Additionally, movies also play a role in promoting anorexia nervosa through the depiction of their characters. Therefore, influence of adolescents on diet significantly affects the eating habits of peer groups.


During adolescence, disordered eating behaviors (DEBs) tend to increase due to changes in psychological, biological, and environmental-social aspects. Besides, globalization of eating disorders mainly involves biological factors such as body mass index (BMI) and pubertal timing. A cross-sectional study shows that females play an important part in influential roles in the type of eating disorders. Extrinsic factors depend on the physical environment, societal, and socioenvironmental factors. The physical environment involves the feasibility of diet peer pressure and junk food. For instance, the high consumption of snacks and junk food is higher among adolescents who have peers adopting similar eating habits. Additionally, social factors include mass media marketing. Consequently, the influence of adolescents on diet continues into adulthood, resulting in diet-related complications.

Read more about impacts of diet peer pressure at 

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