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This paper addresses global leadership skills and issues in global leadership. Leadership is an important aspect of controlling any activity, be it an organization or a business. Theories of leadership try explaining the origin of leaders. For example, some are inborn, while others are made. Therefore, global leadership involves effective business management across borders with diverse cultures and legal and economic systems. There is no consensus on the right set of global leadership skills, but there are essential, accepted skills. These include inquisitiveness by having the ability to question various concepts and motivation to acquire new skills. Moreover, global leaders must possess the skill of adapting to new situations and adding value.
global leadership skills and issues in global leadership


With the evolving technology having global leaders is a very crucial aspect. Global leaders have diverse functions such as business management, disaster management. Most leaders are developed from their desire to lead others. Therefore, their identification and education on global leadership skills are essential. Global leaders are of importance because of the following reasons. One, they possess the ability to gain trust with organizations’ stakeholders and shareholders. As a resulting improving overall productivity. Secondly, they take personal responsibility for any errors in the organization and share credit in achievements. Moreover, they greatly respect and value diverse views resulting in multiple innovations. There exist various issues in global leadership.
importance of effective global leadership


All around the world, issues in global leadership is a major problem in leadership. The current standard for leadership is very demanding. Leaders are expected to motivate diverse people across the globe to work. Also, the certain environments they work in are not so favorable. These include political instability, such as wars and civil unrest. Besides, some countries have extreme cultural practices that leaders cannot handle.  The language barrier is also another major challenge global leaders face. Therefore, they are unable to communicate effectively with the people around them.  Regardless of these challenges, leaders are obligated to perform their duties efficiently. Therefore, they should be greatly equipped with global leadership skills.
understanding the challenges in global leadership

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