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This paper looks into global climate change and ozone layer depletion; Climate change is the gradual change in average weather conditions over a long time. Contrastingly, ozone layer depletion is the thinning of the ozone layer gradually over time due to the release of chemical compounds into the atmosphere and other human activities. Moreover, various factors influence the earth climate system. Both natural and human activities cause climate change. The released gases prevent the heat from the earth escaping into space. Consequently, this causes the greenhouse effect and increases the temperature on the earth. This results in adverse changes in weather.
global climate change and ozone layer depletion


Global climate change has a huge effect on the earth’s climate system. Its magnitude increases with the number of harmful gases that industries and other human activities release. With the continuous global climate change, the temperatures will continue to rise. This will in turn lead to the melting of ice hence increasing the frost-free season.  Additionally, these changes cause changes in the precipitation patterns where some areas receive increased precipitation while others receive low precipitation. Furthermore, global climate change will also lead to the rise in sea level due to the increase in the melting of ice and the increase of flooding. These climate changes together with ozone layer depletion cause negative effects on the earth and human life in it.
 future effects of global climate change


Fundamentally, ozone layer depletion occurs as a result of several factors. The release of chlorofluorocarbons is the leading cause of ozone layer depletion. They are present in substances such as aerosol sprays and soap. Ultraviolet rays break down chlorofluorocarbons releasing chlorine which reacts with the ozone and destroys it. As a result, these interfere with the earth climate system. Similarly, the uncontrolled launching of rockets causes more depletion of the ozone layer. Also, nitrogenous compounds such as nitrogen oxide deplete the ozone layer. Natural causes such as volcanic eruptions may also deplete the ozone layer and cause global climate change.
the causes of ozone layer depletion

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