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GERO 101-704A introduction to gerontology and ageist beliefs involves studying ageing and older adults. The science of gerontology has evolved as longevity has improved. Researchers in this field are diverse and trained in areas such as physiology, social science, psychology, and public health. Gerontology also involves ageism psychology, such as reasons to fight ageism and standing against ageism. A complete definition of gerontology includes scientific studies of processes associated with bodily changes from middle age through later life. Multidisciplinary investigation of societal changes resulting from an ageing population and ranging from the humanities to economics also define gerontology. With an understanding of GERO 101-704A introduction to gerontology and ageist beliefs, individuals can plan for their life course.

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GERO 101-704A introduction to gerontology and ageist beliefs includes the concept of fighting ageism. There are several reasons why we should avoid age-related stereotypes. One reason is that ageism harms the overall health of older adults. Experiencing discrimination is a real blow to their self-esteem. Another reason to fight ageism psychology is it raises the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. The result of the hormone rising is putting seniors at higher risk of heart disease, respiratory problems, and depression. Another reason to fight ageism is the fact that ageism can lead to a cycle of decline. Studies show that seniors who internalize these ageist beliefs are less likely to make a healthy lifestyle choice.

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GERO 101-704A introduction to gerontology and ageist beliefs has had an impact on the lives of older individuals. People envision older individuals as warmer, but this doesn’t mean that the overall picture is an approving one. The big picture is one that portrays older adults as less capable people to feel. The current ageism psychology has had its way even in workplaces. Interviewers will give an older job applicant a lower rating even though their qualifications are just like their younger applicant. Regrettably, many older individuals also come to take on ageist stereotypes moving through life in lockstep with those biases. Older individuals should not let these ageist beliefs place limitations in their lives.

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