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Successful G107461 organizational change may enable an organization to achieve effective performance management. It refers to any alterations that occur in the total work environment.  Additionally, it looks both at the process in which a company or organization changes its operational methods, technologies, organizational structure or strategies as well as what effects these changes have. Moreover, it often occurs in response to external or internal pressures. Furthermore, an organization should develop adaptability to change otherwise it will either remain behind or forces of change will sweep it away. Also, organizational change is inevitable in a progressive culture. Modern organizations are highly dynamic, adaptive, and versatile to the multiplicity of change.

Read more on G107461 organizational change and effective performance management at;


Primarily, G107461 organizational change is important for any organization because, without change, businesses would lose their competitive edge and fail to meet the ever-changing needs of the customer. Also, effective performance management is necessary to counter the impacts of resistance to change. Furthermore, the organizational change enables organizations to effectively adapt to the changing world of technology to increase productivity and service delivery. Additionally, adaptability to change is essential as the needs of customers are always evolving. The customers create new demands for new types of products and services. Consequently, this opens up new areas of opportunities for companies to meet those needs.

Read more on the importance of G107461 organizational change at;


Effective performance management encourages employee reward and recognition. This is hugely beneficial for a business as it tracks the progress of employees against goals and personal development. Also, performance management helps to boost employee engagement and productivity. A company that consistently engages with its employees encourages them to grow and sets goals that stretch and develop them. Additionally, it is essential in a G107461  organizational change process to ensure consistent performance. Moreover, the adaptability to change while maintaining maximum performance is essential for the success of a business.

Read more on the benefits of effective performance management at;

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