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This essay reviews the element of foreshadowing elements in ‘The Tottery’ by Shirley Jackson. Jackson narrates in such a way that it is difficult to identify foreshadowing. Many readers have to read the story a second time to note the events leading to the results of the ritual. We can find the foreshadowing theme in ‘The Lottery’ where the lottery event is not a normal one. It consists of fewer participants and takes a short time to complete, compared to typical lottery events. The reader finds that two hours is quite a short time to have for a joyous occasion. Conducting more of ‘The Lottery’ analysis gives the reader so much insight into suspicious activities, such as collecting smooth stones by young village boys.
Read more of the foreshadowing elements in Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lottery’ at


When readers are doing ‘The Lottery’ analysis, we find several symbols and an interesting third-person way of narration in the literature. The narrator is purely an observer and gives readers access to the characters’ actions and dialogue rather than their thoughts and feelings. Foreshadowing in ‘The Lottery’ gives hints on the purpose of the lottery, which Jackson reveals in the end. She also uses the lottery and the black box as symbols to represent various aspects. The titular lottery in the short story represents blind adherence to tradition. Jackson combines symbolism and the traditional theme in ‘The Lottery.’ The black box is a symbol of tradition and of the lottery itself.
Read more of the lottery analysis: symbols, tone, and narration at 


Some of the themes in ‘The Lottery’ are the relationship between civilization and violence. Also, the importance of questioning tradition, the vulnerability of the individual. Individuals are vulnerable to the rest of me members of society who participate in the lottery. Additionally, Foreshadowing in ‘The Lottery’ gives hints of negative results. The people refuse to abandon the tradition of having a lottery where individuals face the risk of persecution by a group. The community establishes such practices and follows them periodically without thinking to question them. In ‘The Lottery’ analysis, we also find how the community builds a society based on violence. Finally, Jackson implies that the people built a civilization by allowing, and even encouraging violence.
Read more of the other themes in Shirley Jackson’s ”The Lottery” at 

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