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Factors affecting health and ways of improving health are essential subjects for nutritionists.  There are different factors impacting health status that are costing the health care. Furthermore, both the incidence and the prevalence of the disease in the population is increasing. In most cases, the prevalence of diseases results from low health qualities and the decline of mortality. The prevalence of high-risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol requires ways of improving health.  Moreover, we should always strive to achieve health goals. Most importantly, the best way we can improve our health is by practicing healthy eating and engaging in life-long activities.  Consequently, the cost of health care will significantly be bearable,

Read more about factors impacting health and ways of improving health at 


There are many determinants of health. One kind of determinant of health is what is in our genes and our biology. Another determinant is our individual behavior. Therefore, these are factors impacting health. However, it is the interrelationship among these factors that determine individual and population health. Because of this, interventions that target multiple determinants of health are most likely to be effective. Moreover, determinants of health reach beyond the boundaries of traditional health care and public health. In fact, ways of improving health are just reversing the negative factors affecting health and being positive. However, these factors include the availability of resources to meet daily health needs. Additionally, exposure to crime, violence, and social disorder is crucial to health. Ultimately, practicing healthy eating is a positive reversal.

Read more about factors affecting health in the community at 


People do have good intentions and moments they resolve to make sweeping lifestyle changes. Many people strive to avoid the negative factors impacting health. However, the road to better health doesn’t always have to mean making giant leaps. Besides, you can also take many smaller steps to improve your overall health and quality of life. Moreover, they will be easy to maintain for the long haul. Therefore, the ways of improving health may include: experts recommend regular exercise, meditation, and breathing techniques to reduce stress. Additionally, health dietetics recommends incorporating an extra serving of no starchy vegetables into your daily diet. Practicing a healthy diet is ultimately the primary plan for achieving a healthy diet.

Read more about simple ways of improving health at 

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