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This assignment looks at equal employment opportunity and affirmative action concepts. Laws and regulations require various employers to engage in affirmative action to increase the applicant supply of individuals. Employees that believe they are victims of illegal discrimination bring those complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Affirmative action is when employers engage in employment practices designed to eliminate the present effects of past discrimination. Additionally, affirmative action can be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary affirmative action is engaged in by organizations that realize it is the right thing to do. Voluntary affirmative action plans, however, can be a problem and result in complaints of reverse discrimination. The problem arises, particularly where there is no history of past discrimination in the organization. Lastly, the two concepts are an important consideration in today’s diverse workforce.

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Equal employment opportunity and affirmative action concepts are practices in the U.S. Equal opportunity is almost universally accepted as desirable. Affirmative, on the other hand, has gone through various legal battles and heated debate in the U.S. and other countries. The debate is because some affirmative action practices, like racial quotas, discriminate against people belonging to underrepresented groups. That’s why some states have declared these types of affirmative action as generally unlawful. Internationally, countries such as Sweden in 2010 and the U.K. have also declared it unlawful. So, we shouldn’t be talking about affirmative action versus equal employment opportunity but rather, the application of both concepts.


Organizations are today embracing equal employment opportunity versus affirmative action concept. Equal Employment advocates for workers’ safety. Organizations are sure to win the confidence and trust of their people. Furthermore, an organization must enforce and act on laws to safeguard the identity and respect their people. However, the importance and benefits of imposing equal employment opportunity policies are not limited to the employees. It has a broad scope of recognition for the employer as well. The benefits of equal employment include more significant customer satisfaction and service if the employees perform well. Another importance of equal employment includes increasing employee engagement, which is the same concept of affirmative action.

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