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There are various methods for enhancing leadership influence such as improving the styles of communication. Fundamentally, the success of a leader relies on their ability to influence others to achieve specific goals and objectives. Therefore, leaders need to spend more time learning how to influence others. Moreover, their influence dictates the level of effort that their followers will contribute. Leaders need to command, inspire, persuade, and encourage those under them to enhance their commitment to achieving certain results. Furthermore, the styles of communications that they use also contribute to the way they interact with their followers.

Read more on enhancing leadership influence and styles of communication at;


In the pursuit of enhancing leadership influence, leaders should build and maintain a foundation of trust. This enables employees to tap into full commitment and capabilities and dedicate themselves to their common goals and objectives. Team members often look for a leader that inspires them, appreciates their vulnerabilities, understands them, and supports them. Additionally, leaders should improve their styles of communication to convey information respectfully and clearly. How leaders communicate their priorities determines the effort that team members will contribute.

Read more on the methods of enhancing leadership influence at;


Leaders may use different styles of communication to deliver information and motivate their team members to work towards their specific goals and objectives. Assertive communication style involves seeking compromise and consensus through active listening and expressing of wants and needs. Enhancing leadership influence in this style of communication requires leaders to build confidence and trust in themselves. Contrarily, leaders using aggressive communication styles behave as if their contribution to the conversation is more important than that of others. It may intimidate others or belittle them. The passive communication style is self-effacing and conflict-avoidant. Moreover, passive communicators tend to let others who are more aggressive or assertive lead. They may also face difficulties in expressing themselves effectively.

Read more on the styles of communication in leadership at;

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