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This dissertation analyses the elements of culture and the impact of culture on society.  Culture has two main components that are: artifacts on one hand and ideas and symbols on the other hand. It can also be divided into two types material and non-material culture. Material culture relates to objects the society uses, such as clothes, transport, tools, and utensils. On the other hand, non-material culture relates to elements such as values, beliefs, language, and symbols. Symbols are either material objects or nonverbal communications. For example, handshaking is a type of non-verbal communication. Language is the most conspicuous element of culture. It helps members of society to communicate with each other effectively.
 elements of culture and the impact on society


Elements of culture from which an individual originates greatly influences their life decisions. Culture determines an individual’s language, mode of dressing, and even the type of food one prefers. There are various impacts of culture on society. One, cultural interaction exposes people to varying ideas on understanding the world around them. As a result, individuals gain the ability to form healthy relationships with others. Secondly, the modification of habits and values. Forgetting a single encounter is easy, but continuously repeating an activity creates a habit. Therefore, the individual chooses the habits to maintain and the ones to stop after interacting with other cultures. Furthermore, it builds social cohesion, which is the willingness of people to coexist together.  As a result, teamwork and unity are enhanced.

examining the impact of culture on society


Elements of culture play an important role in the overall development of a child. Normalcy varies from one culture to the other. This is because each culture bears its own beliefs and values. Moreover, it influences the type of obstacles parents are likely to face while upbringing their children. Biological milestones such as puberty are similar across the globe. On the other hand, social milestones such as the age of marriage vary from one culture to another. Another cultural aspect that affects child development is race. For example, in America, racism greatly affects individuals of color.  Children are educated at an early age, the stereotypes that relate to their cultures. Therefore, people need to comprehend the impacts of culture on society.
 influence of cultural identity in child development

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