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Effective organizational leadership involves several activities such as the motivation of employees to improve the performance of an organization. Moreover, organizations need strong leadership for optimum effectiveness. Organizational leadership deals with both human psychology as well as expert tactics. Additionally, it emphasizes developing leadership skills and abilities that are relevant across an organization. Furthermore, ideal organizational leaders should not dominate over others but guide the individuals under them and give them a sense of direction to achieve organizational goals successfully. Also, they should not only be empathetic by also can understand the needs of the group members. They should also lead others individually as well as manage the actions of the group.
 effective organizational leadership and motivation of employees


Fundamentally, effective organizational leadership is a personal quality. Moreover, to make others to follow or to exert others to do work requires the presence of skills such as intelligence, communication skills, emotional balance, and inner drive. Also, effective leaders should influence others to work for achieving goals and improving the performance of an organization. Additionally, this may include activities such as the motivation of employees to boost their morale. Furthermore, organizational leadership involves developing a relationship between leaders and followers. This is by developing a two-way relationship, through effective interpersonal relationships and participatory decision making.
 characteristics of effective organizational leadership


Essentially, the motivation of employees leads to higher productivity and performance of an organization. Additionally, it enables employees to work faster and more efficiently. Also, motivating employees enables them to focus on the products and services and see areas of improvement. Consequently, this leads to more innovation. Moreover, it leads to lower levels of absenteeism. Effective organizational leadership ensures the motivation of employees which makes them happier hence they are less likely to miss work without good reason. This may also lead to lower levels of staff turnover.
importance of motivation of employees

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