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Effective family communication involves different styles of communication. Family communication is the exchange of verbal and non-verbal information between family members. Moreover, it entails the ability to paying attention to what other family members think or feel. Also, it creates an atmosphere in which family members freely express their differences, admiration, and love for one another. Additionally, it enables a family member to resolve conflicts that arise within the family. Effective family communication maintains strong and healthy family relationships. Contrastingly, poor communication is usually indirect and unclear. It occasionally leads to more conflicts and weak emotional bonding.
about effective family communication and styles of communication


Essentially, effective family communication helps to ensure a positive home environment. The first step is scheduling time for the family. Other planned activities should are aside to create room for family time. Besides, it is important to establish family routines where family members spend time together. Consequently, this ensures healthy family relationships. Furthermore, family members should eat together regularly. This helps members of the family to communicate more clearly and openly. It is essential to use appropriate styles of communication to pass information. Similarly, family members should have some one-on-one time to make them feel comfortable with each other. They should be active listeners and speak to each other when they face difficulties or when they need someone to speak to.
 steps to achieving effective family communication


There are mainly four styles of communication. The first style is clear and indirect communication. In this case, the message communicates is clear. However, the informer does not direct it to the person whom he refers to. Clear and direct communication is another style of communication where the message is open and the informer passes it to the appropriate family member. It often promotes healthy family relationships and helps in attaining effective family relationships. Also, another style of communication is masked and indirect communication. The message and the recipient that the message intends are unclear.
 types of communication within the family

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