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This dissertation examines e-commerce in business and internet impact on sales. E-commerce, known as electronic commerce is the process of buying and selling of products through the internet. Also, it comprises of online transactions as a payment mode. The facilitation of such transactions is through applications such as PayPal, Amazon Payments, and google checkouts.  Many times individuals use e-business as a substitution for e-commerce, although this is not accurate. E-commerce in business management relates explicitly to the transaction of goods and services. On the other hand, e-business comprises all aspects of running a business online. The types of e-commerce models are business to consumer, business to business, consumer to consumer, and consumer to business. There exist various challenges in the implementation of e-commerce.
 e-commerce in business and internet impact on sales


The internet is dynamic and keeps improving to a better version now and then. It is the primary factor that facilitates e-commerce in business management. Moreover, it dramatically affects the operations of business ventures. Following the introduction of telephones and computers, new methods of marketing arise. The internet impacts on sales are several, including the following. One, the internet facilitates the development of automated sales portals. As a result, it is reducing the distribution costs to the market. Secondly, it enhances direct contact between manufacturers and customers, thus eliminating the constraints arising from interactions. Additionally, the transfer of sales shifts from the retailer to the consumer through the online ordering of products. All these impacts result in sales increase, although there are challenges in the implementation of e-commerce.
internet impacts on sales in current businesses


E-commerce in business management is a concept that facilitates an increase in sales and business expansion. Despite the benefits and advantages, businesses realize from incorporating e-commerce, there exist challenges. These challenges derail the performance and production efficiency of the company. The challenges in the implementation of e-commerce include the following. One, the dependence on Google for traffic is a significant challenge. Google is the most recognized search engine, and thus its failure slows down activities. Secondly, retaining customers is difficult due to their changing needs. Therefore, a challenging to keep up with requirements. Additionally, handling customer service is challenging, especially when products get lost or delay. Addressing negative internet impacts on sales is essential for improving the e-commerce process.
challenges in the implementation of e-commerce

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