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Many people suffer from drug abuse and addiction and the effects of alcohol. Drug abuse and addiction are substance use disorders that arise from a self-destructive pattern of using a substance. This, therefore, leads to distress and significant problems in life. As a result, these problems lead to tolerance and an inability to withdraw from the drug. This greatly affects 5% of the population in the United States. Drugs like alcohol have great effects on the bodies of people, especially after prolonged use. Thus it leads to the reduction in productivity and workability of a person.

Read more on drug and substance abuse and the effects of alcohol at;


The short-term effects of alcohol on a single occasion of drinking could include. Lower inhibitions since the behavioral component of the brain do not function properly hence an individual engages in unnatural behavior. It can also lead to falls and accidents due to interruption in a person’s vision. It can also lead to a hangover depending on how a person’s body metabolizes alcohol. This could therefore trigger several reactions in the body such as frequent urination. Additionally, both alcohol and drug abuse and addiction can lead to poisoning. Therefore a person shows symptoms like seizures, vomiting, and hypothermia. Thus, such a case can lead to death if not treated.

Read more on the short term effects of alcohol at;


Individuals suffering from drug abuse and addiction often display various signs and symptoms. These include blackouts or loss of memory since the drugs cause a great interference to the functioning of the brain. This is also one of the effects of alcohol. They could also display mood problems such as irritability, sadness, and mood swings. Additionally, they can experience repeated usage of drugs as they try coping with problems that they could be having. Moreover, a person can display physical symptoms such as shivering when abstaining from drug use. Lastly, a person can have the repeated use of the drug for longer periods than intended.

Read more on the signs and symptoms of drug abuse and addiction at;

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