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The essay discusses discrimination in sports and solutions to discrimination in sports, sociological research has demonstrated a long history of racial discrimination in major league baseball and other sports, two patterns of discrimination are identifiable, first is the exclusion of black players from central and leadership positions. Secondly, is the exclusion of black players of marginal ability from the opportunity to play. Also, there exist several types of discrimination in sports. This article focuses on the second “type” of discrimination. Recent data indicate that discrimination against blacks of marginal ability has mostly disappeared. An explanation centering on the cost of discrimination in the economic environment of recent years got proposed. The research will help in highlighting discrimination in sports and solutions to discrimination in sports.

discrimination in sports


There are several types of discrimination in sports that ruin sports globally. Athletes of color experience harassment and discrimination from teammates, opponents, team staff, and spectators. It is unfortunately not uncommon that racial slurs are called out at them, whether in the locker room or from the stands. Importantly, sports organizations need to come up with solutions to discrimination in sports. Racial discrimination in sports can also be less noticeable. For instance, some sports, such as golf and tennis, may not welcome minority athletes as much as others. These sports often get played at paid clubs. Thus, socio-economic barriers may keep minority athletes away, as people of color get overrepresented among America’s poor. Lastly, the discrimination in sports and solutions to discrimination in sports essays will help identify types of discrimination in sports.

types of discrimination in sports and possible solutions


Sports organizations have to plan and implement various solutions for various types of discrimination in sports. An example of sports discrimination is socio-economic barriers may keep minority athletes away. Introducing a zero-tolerance racism policy will help to make it clear that any racial discrimination form does not get welcomed. Moreover, encouraging and supporting athletes, who have experienced or witnessed it, to speak up about this issue can also help. These solutions to discrimination in sports will lead to fairness in sports. Also, it is essential to include minority athletes and immigrants in the team and choose the players according to their performances, not their race. Discrimination in sports ruins the face of the game and thus the need for solutions to discrimination in sports.

solutions to discrimination in sports and their significance to sports

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