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Diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication. quality 2023

Diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication with Perceptual Disturbances: Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment

Diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication

This essay explores the case of a patient with a diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication with perceptual disturbances. The report begins by providing an overview of Cannabis Intoxication and its associated symptoms. It then discusses the patient’s diagnosis, including supporting signs and symptoms, rationale, and the relevant ICD-10 code. Furthermore, the essay explores the differential diagnosis, considering Other Substance Intoxication, Other Cannabis Induced Mental Disorders, and Substance/Medication Induced Psychotic Disorders. Lastly, treatment approaches for Cannabis Intoxication with perceptual disturbances are discussed.

Case Study: Diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication and Perceptual Disorders

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a widely used psychoactive substance derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. Its use can lead to various psychological and physiological effects, including intoxication. Cannabis Intoxication is characterized by significant cognitive, behavioral, and perceptual disturbances from ingesting or inhaling cannabis products. This essay focuses on a case involving a patient diagnosed with Cannabis Intoxication and perceptual disorders.

The patient presented with several symptoms indicative of Cannabis Intoxication, including perceptual disturbances. These perceptual disturbances may involve alterations in sensory perception, such as visual or auditory hallucinations, and distortions in the perception of time, space, and body image. The presence of these symptoms, along with the patient’s reported cannabis use, leads to the diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication.

Differential Diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication & Perceptual Disorders

ICD-10 Code: F12.922

Supporting Signs and Symptoms: To confirm the diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication, healthcare professionals look for specific signs and symptoms. In this case, the patient exhibited perceptual disturbances, including auditory hallucinations and altered perception of time. Additionally, they might display impaired coordination, anxiety, increased heart rate, and bloodshot eyes. The combination of these symptoms aligns with the diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication.

Rationale: The diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication is based on a thorough assessment of the patient’s history, physical examination, and reported symptoms. The patient’s admission of cannabis use and the presence of perceptual disturbances and other associated symptoms support the diagnosis. It is essential to consider other potential causes and perform a differential diagnosis to rule out alternative explanations for the signs.

Differential Diagnosis: To ensure accuracy in diagnosing Cannabis Intoxication with perceptual disturbances, healthcare professionals consider several differential diagnoses. The following are the three main conditions considered in this case:

1 Other Substance Intoxication: Other substances, such as hallucinogens or stimulants, can produce symptoms similar to those of Cannabis Intoxication. It is essential to rule out these substances and consider the patient’s history, reported drug use, and additional symptoms to differentiate Cannabis Intoxication from other substance intoxication.

2 Other Cannabis-Induced Mental Disorders: Cannabis use can also lead to other mental disorders, such as Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder or Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Disorder. These conditions may present with perceptual disturbances, and it is crucial to differentiate them from Cannabis Intoxication. Evaluating the patient’s psychiatric history and considering the timing and persistence of symptoms can aid in the diagnosis.

3 Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder: This diagnosis involves considering if the perceptual disturbances result from cannabis use or a separate substance-induced psychotic disorder. Other substances or medications could induce psychotic symptoms similar to those observed in Cannabis Intoxication. Careful assessment of the patient’s medical history, substance use, and the temporal relationship between symptoms and substance ingestion is essential.

Treatment Approach: Diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication & Perceptual Disorders

The treatment approach for Cannabis Intoxication with perceptual disturbances involves a combination of supportive care and addressing the underlying substance use disorder. Initially, ensuring the patient’s safety and stabilization is crucial, particularly if they are experiencing severe perceptual disturbances or distress. Supportive measures may include reassurance, a calm environment, and close monitoring.

Subsequently, addressing the patient’s cannabis use disorder becomes paramount. Treatment options may involve behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or motivational interviewing, to reduce or discontinue cannabis use. Pharmacological interventions, including medications to manage withdrawal symptoms or address co-occurring mental health conditions, may also be considered.

In conclusion, Cannabis Intoxication with perceptual disturbances is challenging to diagnose accurately due to overlapping symptoms with other substance-induced and mental health disorders. Through careful evaluation of the patient’s history, reported signs, and ruling out alternative diagnoses, healthcare professionals can arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Treatment involves a comprehensive approach that addresses the acute symptoms and the underlying substance use disorder, ensuring the best possible outcomes for the patient.


APA (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR). [online] Available at:

Cannabis-Related Disorders: Background, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology. (2022). eMedicine. [online] Available at:

National Cancer Institute. (2016). Cannabis and Cannabinoids. [online] Available at:

Diagnosis of Cannabis Intoxication

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