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This research paper analyzes democracy’s effects and how it affects political culture. We will discuss the effect of democracy on citizens’ perceptions. Democracy plays a big role in influencing the political culture of a country. Whether the political culture is democratic or not will have an impact on how citizens experience the entire political system. Some characteristics of a political culture are evident in the behavior of parties, groups and individual citizens, and the policy-making process. Also, political culture enhances the ability of political scientists to analyze the psychological environment of the political system comprehensively and systematically. The importance of political culture is, therefore, relating the psychological dimensions of cultural change to the broader issues of political development.
For more information on democracy and how it affects political culture, visit


This section analyzes the importance of political culture and how citizens perceive democracy. There correlation between the perception of democracy and that of the economy. People who are satisfied with the economic situation in their country are also statistically happier with the way democracy is working. The effect of democracy on citizens’ perceptions, therefore, may depend on how democracy is used to improve the economy of a country. A democratic political culture sets ethical norms and standards of behavior for governments, organizations, and individuals. The characteristics of a political culture are useful in determining the type of government institutions, the practice of authority in government. Lastly,  It helps to improve and control democracy and how it affects political cultures.
For more information about citizens’ perception of democracy, visit


Democracy is the most successful political idea in the world. It plays a huge role in shaping the characteristics of political culture. Democracy allows ordinary people a decisive say in who governs a country and how they govern it. It is based on a system of government by all the citizens of a country, typically exercised through elected representatives. The primary importance of political culture that is democratic in that it promotes respect for basic human rights. The concept of democracy is broad and diverse. Every country has a unique democratic system, and nations will, therefore, be ‘differently democratic.’ However, the effect of democracy on citizens’ perceptions can be negative. This, therefore, is in the case of corrupt governments and countries with unstable economic growth.
For more information on the fundamental features of democracy, visit 

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