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The definitions and differences between weathering and erosion are closely related. Weathering is the process where rock is dissolved, worn away, or broken down into smaller and smaller pieces. There are mechanical, chemical, and organic weathering processes. Erosion is the process where rocks and sediments are picked up and moved to another place. Erosion is usually carried out by either water, ice, wind, or gravity. Weathering and erosion interrelation is evident where a rock weakened and broken up by weathering is ready for erosion. In the Mechanical weathering process, rocks are broken physically through frost action or frost shattering. The process can also break up bricks on buildings. Chemical weathering process, on the other hand, decomposes or decays rocks and minerals. An example of this is water dissolving limestone. The differences and definitions of weathering and erosion, therefore, interrelate.

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Natural environmental forces mainly cause weathering and erosion interrelation. Weathering and erosion slowly chisel, polish, and buff Earth’s rock into ever-evolving works of art. The remains of weathering and erosion are then washed into the sea by the weather forces. The weathering and erosion processes are definitively independent, but not exclusive. The differences between weathering and erosion are whereas weathering breaks and sculpt the rocks, and erosion transports the fragments. Water, as nature’s most potent tool, allows expansion and contraction of the cracks and crevices depending on the temperatures. The broken fragments then trickle away after the contraction. Lichens and mosses contribute to weathering by taking roots in cracks, and as they grow, so do the cracks. Eventually, the cracks split into bits and pieces. A look into the differences and definitions of weathering and erosion similarities are apparent.

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The differences and definitions of weathering and erosion differ based on whether a rock’s location is changed. Weathering degrades a rock without moving it, while erosion carries rocks and soil away from their original positions. Weathering often leads to erosion by causing stones to break down into smaller pieces. The forces of erosion come in place afterward to move away from the broken pieces. The main differences between weathering and erosion lie in where the processes take place. Weathering degrades a rock without changing its location. Erosion, on the other hand, causes rock particles to be carried away from their original sites and deposited elsewhere. Weathering leads to erosion through the small pieces that are easier for wind and water to haul away. Weathering and erosion interrelation is wherein both processes rocks are broken down and moved from their original location.

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