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This paper examines the death penalty methods and the impact of the death penalty. The death penalty means punishment in the form of execution for breaking the law. In many cases, execution is for serious crimes such as murder and treason. In the United States, the primary methods are hanging, electrocution, firing squad, the gas chamber, and lethal injection. The constitutionality of the methods varies in different states. In most states, the legal injection is commonly used. The legal injection, however, is not acceptable in other states. This is because of the resistance by drug companies to produce the lethal drug. There are varying arguments for and against the death penalty.
death penalty methods and the impact of the death penalty


There is no consensus on the issue of death penalties. There are arguments for and against the death penalty. In countries such as Britain, death sentences are illegal. The arguments for the death penalty include the following. One, killing someone deserves the same punishment of murder. Secondly, death penalties scare others from committing the same crime. Additionally, murder is violating one’s human right of living, including the murderer. The arguments against death penalties include the following. One, death penalty methods are a painful mode of death. Secondly, the death penalty is against human rights. Thirdly, there is no proof that punishment by death reduces crime rates. Moreover, the impacts of the death penalty are not acceptable by society.
 arguments for and against the death penalty


This section analyses the impact of the death penalty on society. Many countries have undertaken the abolishing of the death penalty while some continue with the act. Many argue that death penalties do not contribute to the deterrence of crime. The society is affected by this penalty in the following ways. Firstly, society disregards the death penalty methods used for mentally ill inmates. They argue that they aren’t in the right state of mind and don’t understand the implications of their actions. Secondly, capital punishments put innocent lives at stake. The justice system often makes errors in their judgments, thus prosecuting the wrong individuals. Moreover, death penalties send a contradictory message “Kill and I will kill you.” This contradicts some societal, religious belief that prohibits murder.
 impacts of the death penalty on society

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