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CSSS5210 social media usage involves the access to social networking sites to share content in real-time. Moreover, social media is a digital tool that allows users to create and share content with the public. It contains a wide range of websites and apps. Additionally, there are fewer limitations to what someone can share on social media rather than other means of communication such as newspapers, television channels, and radio stations. Also, social media websites and applications have different functions. Similarly, social networking changes the way that people communicate with each other. It involves sharing websites, capturing moments with pictures and videos for sharing with family and friends.


The usage of CSSS5210 social media is an incredible tool for many organizations to communicate which includes terrorists. Furthermore, its explosive growth creates serious concerns over the possible exploitation by terrorists and terrorist organizations. However, the response from social networking sites has been lacking. They have a social responsibility to maintain a safe network where people can share pictures and videos freely. Moreover, governments are becoming increasingly attentive towards monitoring social media to prevent political violence.
the usage of CSSS5210 social media in terrorism


Essentially, social networking sites expose people to a lot of information. Consequently, other people post pictures and videos with irrelevant and explicit content which may not be necessary. Also, there are several privacy issues with the usage of CSSS5210 social media. Anyone can become a target when sharing the current location over social media. Moreover, sharing too much with the public may cause problems that never resolve with the continuous spread of information. Furthermore, cyberbullying of some social networking sites may cause teens and young adults to attempt suicide or attempt to harm themselves in other ways.
the disadvantages of social networking sites

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